Three February 2021 Webinars

By Woodley Smith | December 29, 2020

CiderCon Encore: Driving Organizational Change February 11, 2021 – 9:30 am Pacific Time Likely, you checked the Math to make sure your facility move, new software system, or acquisition was going to make or save your business money. Organizational changes can look good on paper but fail to deliver on the promise of increased profits…

New CiderCon Session: Fermenting with Quince

By Woodley Smith | December 29, 2020

Was Aphrodite’s Forbidden Fruit a quince or the apple? She’s not talking, but cidermakers will be at CiderCon®! Quince a.k.a. Cydonia oblonga is the sole member of the genus Cydonia in the family Rosaceae. Quince is a ‘pomme’ fruit with the likes of apples, pears, and medlars. This golden pomme is having a renaissance of…

BREAKING NEWS: TTB Approves Additional Wine Standards of Fill

By Michelle McGrath | December 28, 2020

In a special edition newsletter sent to subscribers on December 28, 2020, the TTB announced new rules regarding standards of fill. The additional volumes approved for wine are: 355 ml (12 oz) 250 ml 200 ml As all ciders are regulated as wine by the TTB, the above sizes are now being added as approved…

CiderCon® Session: Labeling of Hard Ciders Under FDA Jurisdiction

By Woodley Smith | December 23, 2020

Is your hard cider under 7% ABV? If so, do your labels comply with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labeling regulations? Join Keller and Heckman food and beverage attorneys Nury Yoo and Arturo Reyes as they discuss the ins and outs of FDA’s labeling requirements for these products. The discussion will also touch on…

Cider Tax News

By Michelle McGrath | December 22, 2020

UPDATE: On 12/27/20 President Trump signed the bill making the reform included in the CBMTRA permanent. On Monday night, Congress took the important step to pass permanent Federal excise tax credits for the nation’s cideries, meaderies, wineries, breweries, and distilleries. The tax reform measures for alcohol producers were originally introduced on a two-year basis in…

New CiderCon® Session: Strategies for Creating a Successful Blend

By Woodley Smith | December 21, 2020

What does it take to make a successful blend? What’s the best way to do a blend? How can we use blending to create a cider with that perfect aroma and flavor profile? A finished cider can be a combination of apple varieties that have been fermented separately, a blend of different vintages, or the…

Reflections on ACA’s Equity & Inclusion Training with Board Member Brooke Glover

By Guest Contributor | December 14, 2020

I volunteer as Vice President of the Board of Directors of the American Cider Association (ACA) because I care deeply about the cider industry and appreciate that the Board is very involved and active in the ACA’s work and mission. As part of the ACA mission statement to create a diverse cider industry, and part…

Bulk Company Discounts for CiderCon® 2021!

By Woodley Smith | December 7, 2020

There has never been a better time to bring your whole team to CiderCon®! The best thing about CiderCon® going virtual this year is that it means you can bring more of your team to the party! With lower registration fees, not to mention no airfare, hotel, and travel expenses to limit you, so many…

Certified Pommelier Exam Prep Workshops Now Available!

By Woodley Smith | December 2, 2020

We are bringing you two online Certified Pommelier™ cider evaluation workshops. The Certified Pommelier™ exam is a rigorous test of a beverage professional’s cider knowledge, including one’s ability to taste and evaluate an apple-driven cider. These workshops are an opportunity for students to practice using the formulated evaluation schema used in the tasting exam. The…

Get to Know Your New Board Member: Philippe Bishop

By Woodley Smith | December 2, 2020

Meet Philippe Bishop, who was elected to the board as an at large member in 2020! Where do you work and what is your position? I am a partner with my folks at Alpenfire Cider, primarily I handle our sales, designs and the marketing side of things… But as every small business owner I wear…