Open That Cider Bottle Returns February 25

Open That Cider Bottle is back and better than ever on February 25! This year the ACA will be offering prizes for various categories and everyone who participates will be entered to win a wine (ahem, cider) suitcase. Read on to learn more about what we’re looking for and get ready to share your cider story with us!
A Little Background
Open That Cider Bottle began in 2022 when we stumbled upon Open That Bottle Night. Open That Bottle Night was started back in 2000 by two Wall Street Journal columnists, Dorothy J. Gaiter and John Brecher. Held on the last Saturday in February of each year, this day encourages folks to open up that special bottle and share memories.
While they may have been talking about wine, we know that there are a lot of special bottles of cider with great stories sitting on shelves and in cellars just waiting to be opened and have their stories told. So we’re once again asking you to open one of those special bottles and share your cider bottle story on Instagram.
Is it a bottle from the first batch you ever made? Does it have a unique apple variety that you’ve been wanting to try? A cider you stumbled upon while on vacation? A cider gift from a friend that you’ve been saving? A cider that you fell in love with the first time you tried it and had to add it to your collection? Silly or poignant, we want to hear them all and there’s a chance to win some awesome prizes!
Did We Say Prizes?
Yes, we did! Besides the aforementioned wine suitcase that all who participate have a chance to win, we will also be offering prizes to our favorites in the following categories:
- Most likely to make you 🤣
- Most likely to warm your ♥️
- Most likely to 🤯
- Most likely to make you 💲 a 🍾
So tell us and the world your cider bottle story and post it to Instagram with the hashtag #openthatciderbottle and tag us @pickcider on Saturday, February 25, 2023!
Cellar Looking Empty?
This holiday is a great excuse to support a local bottle shop. Pick up a bottle of a cider that excites you and join us in seizing the day!
[…] moment or occasion to open? Well, we say: You only live once, and why wait? Saturday, February 25 is Open That Cider Bottle night, an off-shoot of Open That Bottle Night, which was started in 2000 by two Wall Street Journal […]
[…] para abrir? Bueno, decimos: solo se vive una vez, ¿y por qué esperar? el sábado 25 de febrero es Abre esa botella de sidra noche, una rama de Open That Bottle Night, que fue iniciada en 2000 por dos columnistas del Wall Street […]
[…] February 24, 2024, is the 3rd annual Open That Cider Bottle night, an off-shoot of Open That Bottle Night, an event founded in 2000 by two Wall Street Journal […]