New York Cider Week Certified Pommelier Exam

Are you looking for the next big step in your professional development? If you’ve already passed the Certified Cider Professional Level 1 Certification, then the American Cider Association has an exciting opportunity for you! We will be hosting a Certified Pommelier™ Exam on October 11, 2023 at the Angry Orchard Innovation Cider House in Walden, NY during New York Cider Week.

As a Certified Pommelier™, you’ll be recognized as an expert in the cider industry, with in-depth knowledge of apple varieties, orcharding, and cidermaking techniques. The exam will cover a wide range of topics, from the history of cider to the sensory evaluation of different ciders.

Don’t worry, though – you won’t be going into the exam blind! The ACA has provided plenty of resources to help you prepare, including study guides, online courses, and a Facebook study group. And if you’re an ACA member, you can even get a discount on the exam fee by logging into your account and finding the discount code.

So what are you waiting for? Register now for the Certified Pommelier™ Exam and take your cider knowledge to the next level! The registration deadline is October 1, 2023 so there’s no time to lose! Remember, the exam takes place on October 11, 2023, and registrants are asked to arrive by 7:45 AM. Good luck!

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  1. […] October 11: Certified Pommelier™ Exam during New York Cider Week […]

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