Sarah Hemly Joins ACA Board as Interim Pacific Coast Chair

The ACA is happy to announce that Sarah Hemly has been temporarily appointed as the Interim Pacific Coast Chair from November 16, 2022 through to CiderCon 2023. Sarah launched Hemly Cider with Co-Founder Chris Thomson in 2015. The cidery and farm are located in the The Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta region of Northern California, a unique fruit growing area. Hemly Cider has grown into an award-winning cider company that showcases the fruit grown by the family’s sixth generation pear and apple orchards. Sarah serves full time as President of Hemly Cider as well as on the board of Greene and Hemly, the family orchard and packing company.
Sarah joins as Interim to temporarily fill in for the former regional chair, Nicole Todd of Santa Cruz Cider Company. Nicole served a three year term as the Pacific Coast Chair. She was an engaged member that led with curiosity and courage, and we are extremely appreciative of her service to the American Cider Association the the Pacific Coast member region. We thank Nicole for asking great questions and being a committed member of our team.