Government Affairs Update: ACA Lauds the CHEERS Act to Support Bars, Restaurants and Venues with Draft Systems

On March 11, U.S. Representatives Darin LaHood (R-IL-16) and Steven Horsford (D-NV-04) introduced the Creating Hospitality Economic Enhancement for Restaurants and Servers Act (CHEERS Act), a bipartisan effort aimed at supporting local businesses, restaurants, and bars with a focus on draft beverage systems. This legislation seeks to revitalize the hospitality industry by expanding tax incentives for investments in energy-efficient systems that include keg and tap property.
The American Cider Association has joined the Beer Institute, the Brewer’s Association, National Beer Wholesalers Association, the National Restaurant Association, the Independent Restaurant Coalition and others in applauding this effort. By offering support for the use of draft lines and keg equipment in establishments, the CHEERS Act recognizes the importance of draft beverages and their connection to a thriving hospitality sector.
Michelle McGrath, CEO of the American Cider Association, highlighted the significance of draft cider sales in the Beer Institute’s press release about the bill on March 11, stating that draft cider accounts for 60% of hard cider consumption at establishments.
“On-premise consumption plays a crucial role in introducing consumers to cider, making restaurants, pubs, taprooms, sports arenas, bars, and movie theaters vital components of the commercial cider ecosystem,” McGrath stated.
The CHEERS Act’s focus on supporting investments in new, energy-efficient draft equipment is welcomed by the cider industry as it provides much-needed relief for the hospitality sector. This legislation acknowledges the importance of draft sales in sustaining local small businesses and aims to contribute to their recovery during these challenging times.
The ACA applauds Representatives LaHood and Horsford for their introduction of the CHEERS Act.
To read more about the CHEERS Act visit the Beer Institute website.