DEADLINE EXTENDED! Volunteer on ACA Committees!
UPDATE: Application deadline extended until June 1, 2021 at 12:00pm Pacific Time!
As a small membership-funded nonprofit, our work is powered by the grassroots cider community. We are blessed to work with passionate and talented people like you that help us grow and support a thriving cider category. Maybe you would like to consider joining a committee?
ACA’s current commitees include:
- Government Affairs
- Education
- Data Insights
- Marketing & Resource Development
- CiderCon
- Antiracism, Equity & Inclusion
Commitment: Committee commitments are two years, except for the CiderCon committee, which is just one year. Committee members are 100% volunteer positions.
Service Expectations: We’ve put together this handbook to detail what the committee experience is. Please read through the handbook if you think you might want to apply for committee membership.
How to Apply: Click here to apply to join a committee. Applications are due on June 1 by 12:00pm Pacific Time. Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out.
Hear from ACA member Sean Tyson of Cider Soms, a volunteer on the Antiracism, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, about what it’s like to serve on an ACA committee by clicking on the picture below.