Cider Production Survey

Please fill out the 2021 Cider Production Survey!
The American Cider Association would appreciate your help in aggregating production information for U.S. cideries for 2021. We collect this information in order to help advocate for cidermakers with Congress, the media, and buyers.
This survey will take about 20 minutes to complete. This survey is being collected by an independent third party who has agreed not to share information with us that might identify who you or your cidery are, and to only share aggregate data with us. YOUR PRIVACY MATTERS TO US.
Your cidery name is collected by the 3rd party to ensure there are no duplicates, but the ACA will never see that information.
We do ask a number of questions about sales and production for 2021. You will find it helpful to have that data handy before completing the survey. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey! Note: If you produce wine or other beverages besides cider, please answer only considering your cider production.
Deadline extended to Thursday, March 10, 2022! Fill out the survey now before time runs out.