The Science & Art of a Balanced Cider: A Workshop with the Cider Institute
Price: $90
Speakers: Brighid O’Keane, Steven Trussler, Chris Gerling, Nicole LeGrand Leibon, Kira Bassingthwaighte
Date & Time: Wednesday, February 5, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Finding balance or harmony makes a good cider great and is the goal of every cidermaker. In this interactive session, we’ll explore the art of finding balance and the science that cidermakers use to get there. Through facilitated tastings and small group discussions, participants will explore the impact of acidity, sweetness, tannins, and aromatics on cider balance and learn more about their fellow cidermakers’ philosophies and experiences in the universal search for harmony. This workshop is open to all CiderCon® attendees.
Topics include:
- An introduction to sensory science and how it’s applied to cider and perry production
- What is harmony, balance, and complexity in cider and perry?
- Different types of sweetness and sourness and production methods to increase or decrease the perceptions of each.
- The dryness debate!
- Role of astringency and bitterness in balance, and the differences and interactions between them.
- Role of alcohol and yeast in bitterness.
- Production tips that increase or decrease bitterness and astringency.
- Different types of aroma compounds and precursors in juice.
- Effects of pH, temperature, and yeasts on fruit/phenolic aroma balance.
- Techniques for aromatic additions pre- and post-fermentation.