The Paradigm of Natural Cider Production
Price: $12
Speakers: Haritz Rodriguez, Jasper Smith, Richard Yi
Date & Time: Friday, February 7, 2:00 – 3:15 PM
The definition of natural cider varies depending on how you look at it. In Spain it is regulated by law, which perfectly defines what can be considered natural cider. However, the concept of natural cider goes beyond a style and differs in other places, depending on the philosophy of each cider maker. Biodynamic agriculture, organic agriculture, no addition of sulfites (at any point in the process?), spontaneous fermentation without added yeasts, no stabilization… What’s the paradigm of natural cider? In this debate we want to explore the limits of natural cider and define the paradigm. What is it that all those producers want the consumer/purchaser to understand by the word natural and what is it that the consumer thinks they are purchasing when buying or asking for “natural cider”? Sponsored by the Cider Institute of North America.