
One of the ACA's core functions is to be the voice of cider with regulators and decision-makers. We work to establish changes in D.C. and to collaborate with regional guilds and our members in protecting cider's interests at the state level.
Cider is not wine. Cider is not beer. Yet, cider is taxed like wine and often marketed like beer. The result is a startling lack of parity that negatively impacts the bottom line of cidermakers. We want to do something about that!
Our members identify our policy and regulatory work as one of the most important reasons they join the association. The more members we have, the louder our voice becomes.
Latest Advocacy News
ACA Advocacy Timeline

- 2013: The ACA is created by vote at CiderCon 2013
- 2014: The ACA receives its 501(C)6 Nonprofit status
- 2015: The ACA successfully lobbies for the passage of the CIDER Act in Congress.
- 2016: The ACA hires Michelle McGrath as Executive Director.
- 2017: The TTB releases proposed rules for the CIDER Act.
- 2017: Senator Wyden introduces the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act (CBMTRA) to increase the small producer tax credit and expand credit eligibility to sparkling wines and cider. It passes on a temporary basis.
- 2018: The ACA joins Wine America, Wine Institute, Beer Institute, Brewers Association, DISCUS, and American Craft Spirits Association as part of the Craft Beverage Coalition, bringing together the beverage sectors to push for the passage of the CBMTRA.
- 2018: TTB releases Notice 176, a massive proposal regarding the “Modernization of the Labeling and Advertising Regulations for Wine, Distilled Spirits, and Malt Beverages.”
- 2019: Congress passes a 1-year extension of the CBMTRA. ACA helped mobilize members to engage their members of Congress and ask for their support.
- 2019: ACA provides comments on Notice 176.
- 2019: ACA and Headwater Cider host Ways and Means Committee Chair, Richard Neal to meet with cidermakers and discuss the importance of the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act.
- 2020: CBMTRA passes on a permanent basis, enabling growth and investment for small craft cideries, breweries, wineries, distilleries and meaderies.
- 2020: TTB approves additional wine standards of fill. The final draft of the rules includes several mentions of submitted commentary from cidermakers and the American Cider Association.
- 2021: ACA supports Fairness for Craft Beverage Act to encourage Congress to expand pandemic economic relief packages to craft beverage producers including cideries.
- 2021: ACA addresses fair competition in executive order comments.
- 2021: The American Cider Association (ACA) sends a letter to the TTB voicing the ACA’s support of a specific proposed labeling rule included in Notice 176 regarding harvest dates, published in late 2018.
- 2022: ACA and members push for replenishment of the Restaurant Revitalization Fund to help cideries recover from the pandemic.
- 2022: ACA petitions the TTB to approve 16oz and 19.2oz volumes of fill for wine.
- 2022: The board of the American Cider Association sends a letter to the L’Association des Industries des Cidres et Vins de fruits de l’UE (AICV), or the European Cider and Fruit Wine Association urging them to recognize the precedent for the definition of Ice Cider (Cidre de Glace) set by the government of Quebec, Canada.
- 2022: ACA partners with organizations around the country to encourage Congress to support the USPS Shipping Equity Act.
- 2023: ACA hosts Geographic Indicators Summit in Portland, Oregon to create a foundational framework for American Pomological Areas with cider and wine experts from around the country.
- 2024: Reps. Earl Blumenauer (OR-D) and Mike Kelly (PA-R) introduce HR 7029, the Bubble Tax Modernization Act, to increase the carbonation threshold for cider, mead, and wine made with fruit.
- 2024: ACA speaks alongside Brewers Association, American Craft Spirits Association, and Wine America at the 28th Annual Wine, Beer & Spirits Law National SuperConference to advocate for the policy and regulatory needs of small cider businesses
- 2024: The ACA submits comments and encourages members to submit comments to TTB Notice 210A in support of 16 oz. and 19.2 oz. standards of fill for cider and wine and advocates for the creation of a streamlined approval pipeline for new standards of fill
- 2024: U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York introduced the Bubble Tax Modernization Act to the Senate (S.5442) on December 5, 2024. The American Cider Association applauds this as the next step toward carbonation parity which is critical for the future growth of the cider industry.
- 2025: The ACA successfully lobbies the TTB to add 16 oz. and 19.2 oz. standards of fill for cider, mead and wine.