Equity Pledge
The American Cider Association (ACA) believes that cider is for everyone and the Equity Pledge is a positive step in creating a diverse and inclusive cider culture. This pledge is part of our larger initiative work from our Antiracism, Equity & Inclusion Committee.

Discrimination and harassment can come in many forms that include but are not limited to hiring practices, unequal pay, unequal opportunities for career advancement, harassment, bullying, and creation of toxic work environments. Discrimination or harassment can be based on an individual's race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion, national origin, ancestry, place of birth, age, military service/veteran status, genetic information, HIV-positive status, disability, or any other protected characteristics.

Equity Pledge
We are committed to creating an industry that promotes zero tolerance for discrimination and harassment; creates space for and amplifies voices from underrepresented and marginalized groups; and allows for individual and company growth around equity and justice.